Have speakers. Will travel.

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Have speakers. Will travel.
It took me literally years before the proverbial lightbulb in my head went aha! as to the meaning of actor Richard Boone's character, Paladin's calling card. Have gun. Will travel. Talk about dense. I mean, it was the title of the show after all. Just one of those things where you register something as a thing rather than words with meaning. All that to get in position to share with you how the actual packaging of a complete pair of FR30s looks as they leave PS Audio on their journey to anxious customers. Designer, Chris Brunhaver stands next to his life's work. Note the cool cardboard pyramids atop each of the pallets. Turns out shipping companies are fond of stacking one pallet on top of another. Our shipping company manager, Suzie with Aeronet has made the FR30's white glove delivery service her personal mission to exceed customer expectations. Though I doubt any of the movers will have actual white gloves on, her pro team will unbox the FR30s and set them up where you tell them to. One set of the two you see pictured here are on their way to Kansas, the other set to Illinois. For those in the UK, a set of FR30s are winging their way over to Signature Sounds where Kevin Akam is going to set them up for audition by appointment. We've still got a few opening for August reservations left if you're interested. Sure feels good to be shipping speakers.
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Paul McGowan

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