Day One Of Octave Records

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Day One Of Octave Records

Octave Records is getting a new home.

For well over a year now we’ve been searching for the perfect building in which to house the new studios. And it has been a struggle. Landlords don’t want a recording studio in their leased buildings and we didn’t want to invest the half a million or more required to build the insides if we cannot keep the investment. Add to that the scarcity of available real estate and you’ll understand why we’ve been struggling all this time.

But those struggles just ended.

And now the new struggles begin. (more on that later)

Join Terri McGowan as she walks us through day one of getting the new building—and it is a mess.

You can access the video by clicking here.

I think the video will give you a good laugh. The seller just kind of took what they wanted and left us to deal with the dregs of their 20-year-old business. Ugh.

Over the next few months, we’ll document the building of Octave Record’s new studios—state-of-the-art facilities that will be unlike anything ever built in the history of recording studios. (More on that as we progress).

Meantime, have fun as we share the beginnings of the new Octave Recording Studios (which we may likely wind up naming Kaulbach Studios—more on that if we do).

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Paul McGowan

Founder & CEO

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