Understanding balance

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Understanding balance

It is tempting to imagine turning up the shower's hot water gets us warmer, but it is not true. In fact, the hot water temperature in our homes shouldn't vary. What's happening, of course, is that we're adjusting the mix of hot and cold.

A hotter shower means less cold water.

When we think about the additive or subtractive effects of passive components such as cables, connectors, or power conditioners, it's instructive to understand passive components cannot add anything.

Better bass with a new power cable suggests fewer restrictions.

When we insert a passive device and declare there's more highs or a bigger, more open soundstage, it's important to recognize we haven't added any of that to the music.

We've subtracted less of one thing in favor of the other.

The next time you reach for the hot water valve to turn up the heat, it might be helpful to remember you're simply changing the mix.

A brighter cable is better thought of as an anemic bass remover.

Same result, but understanding the difference in balance can help in the long run.

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Paul McGowan

Founder & CEO

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