Another Day, Another Plane
Welcome to Copper #85!
It seems like only yesterday when I got back from Axpona---and now I've gone to and returned from the Munich show. Any glitches in this issue should be attributed to jet lag....
In our regular columns, Dan Schwartz tells us about a special microphone; Richard Murison goes off on a tangent---or three; Jay Jay French begins his analysis of the Munich High End; Roy Hall gets into the thick of things yet again---this time, in Paris; Anne E. Johnson’s Off the Charts brings us lesser-known cuts from Rush, and Anne’s Trading Eights looks at alto sax great Johnny Hodges; and I look at the trend towards consolidation in The Audio Cynic.
We conclude the Make It Yourself article from Danish reader Sebastian Schlager on his experiments with horns.
Industry News looks at the continued growth of Sound United.
The Copper Interview brings us Part 2 of John Seetoo's chat with versatile producer/engineer Jack Joseph Puig.
We continue with excerpts from Michael Stuart Baskin's memoir, 363 Days in Vietnam: A Memoir of Howitzers, Hook-Ups, & Screw-Ups From My Tour of Duty 1968 to 1969; our friend Tom Methans tells us about this year's Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony, and I start a multi-part look at this year's Munich show.
Copper #85 wraps up with Charles Rodrigues doing penance, and a Parting Shot from Italy by Paul McGowan.
I'll continue the Vintage Whine series on the tangled history of Empire next ish; Woody Woodward is deeply involved in researching his next series, and Christian James Hand is still tied up in live sessions. Both will return soon---next issue, I hope, God willin' and WordPress don't bust.
See you then!
Cheers, Leebs.