Table of Contents – Issue 208
We are saddened to learn of the passing of Alón Sagee, Copper contributor and president of the San Francisco Audiophile Society. While I never had the opportunity to meet him in person, I had the pleasure of working with him quite a bit when he was writing for Copper. See my tribute to Alón in this issue.
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Also in this issue: Paul McGowan offers a brief history of the evolution of loudspeakers. Octave Records has released The Art of Hi-Fi Volume 5: Woodwinds, a showcase for reed instruments. B. Jan Montana visits T.H.E. Show 2024. I watch the movie Dare to Be Different about the former, legendary new music station WLIR-FM, and attend a discussion with the director and WLIR DJs. Wayne Robins reviews The Power of the Heart: A Tribute to Lou Reed. I begin a new series that gives advice and tips on playing in a rock band. Ray Chelstowski reports on the return of indie-rock pioneers the dB’s and interviews singer/guitarist Peter Holsapple. Rich Isaacs checks out more test records and demo discs.
Rudy Radelic begins a new column, The Vinyl Beat, that will look at current reissues and some old classics. Harris Fogel photographs people at the 2024 NAMM Show. We have guest articles from AAA magazine for the 70th anniversary of the Fender Stratocaster electric guitar, and a piece from FIDELITY that asks: why does music move us? Howard Kneller goes wireless with the Sonus faber Omnia in From the Listening Chair. We re-run a classic Ken Kessler column on revisiting his reel-to-reel roots. PS Audio gets some stellar reviews for the AirLens streamer, StellarGold preamplifier and BHK Signature 300 mono power amplifier. The issue wraps up with console magic, a tasty tweak, and some Las Vegas rockin’.

Contributors to this issue:
Ray Chelstowski, Frank Doris, Harris Fogel, Rich Isaacs, Nick Joyce, Ken Kessler, Howard Kneller, Paul McGowan, B. Jan Montana, Rudy Radelic, Wayne Robins, Hans-Jürgen Schaal, Peter Xeni
Logo Design:
Susan Schwartz-Christian, from a concept by Bob D’Amico
Frank Doris
Paul McGowan
Advertising Sales:
No one. We are free from advertising and subscribing to Copper is free.
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Copper is a place to be enthusiastic about music, audio and other topics. It is most especially not a forum for political discussion, trolling, or rude behavior. Thanks for your consideration.
– FD