Working backwards

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Working backwards

What we can say for certain is that over the last 13.5 billion years, and many trillions of galaxies, stars, and planetswe are the only life forms we know of.

While that is true, it speaks more to our ignorance than offering any sort of insight.

When faced with a question that has no definitive answer, often times the odds of getting closer to the answer is helped by stating it in reverse.

What are the odds that over the past 13.5 billion years, and many trillions of galaxies, stars, and planets, we would be the only life forms to have ever existed? I am no math wizard but my guess is that number would be so big as to be nearly infinite.

In other words, we could say with a great deal of confidence we're not alone.

Closer to home, Apple's recent announcement of its Apple Vision Pro immersive goggles got me wondering if, within my lifetime, a version of this will become available without the goofy hardware. You know, all that just appears in front of me without having to wear anything.

If I reverse the question and figure I have another 15 years left in me, the answer's pretty easy.


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Paul McGowan

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