Looking in the wrong direction

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Looking in the wrong direction

When we read that others have found major benefits to one technology or the other, we often assume their reasoning is correct.

I remember being told the sonic differences in two line cords I was auditioning came from the quality of copper inside. One had OFC while the other just dirty old copper. That made sense, sort of, but the differences I was hearing were huge. One was restricted and muffled sounding while the other open and airy. Of course, the one I liked had the better copper. Yet, that still didn't satisfy me.

It turned out that the cable I liked also had a completely different construction: same gauge wire, but the shielding and dielectrics were miles different.

Redoing the experiment with similar geometries reduced the variables to reasonable and now the differences were subtle. There, but subtle.

It's really easy to get fooled into believing one thing or another about technology. The problem with wrong information is we make so many decisions based on what knowledge we have in our heads. If it's incorrect, well, the results are pretty obvious.

A healthy dose of skepticism can be beneficial at times, yet too much and we never open ourselves to new ideas.

It's a tough balancing act.

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Paul McGowan

Founder & CEO

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