Denying gravity

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“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true." Søren Kierkegaard Gravity has an impact on you even if you don’t believe it. Even if you cannot measure it. Greek philosophers were held to Earth by gravity too but they couldn’t measure it, nor could they deny it. So they just called it something else. They explained that the planets and stars were part of the gods' realm and followed a "natural motion." The Greeks' ideas stuck around until the 16th century. That same unmeasurable force worked on Isaac Newton as well. In the early 1680s, Newton realized the force pulling apples from trees was the same one holding the Earth in orbit around the Sun, but he didn’t know the strength of this “new” force called gravity. As a placeholder in his calculations, he introduced an unknown constant, G, to represent it. This was little more informed than the Greeks, just a new name. It wasn’t until one hundred years later when Henry Cavendish finally measured the force of gravity between masses in the laboratory. The shallow argument that because we haven’t been able to measure break-in it doesn't exist is as silly an argument as the gravity misunderstanding. Just because we can’t measure something doesn’t mean it isn’t real.
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Paul McGowan

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