Make it yourself
Kitchen Doors and Paper Horns, Part 2
Around 2006, I discovered that digital technology could be a game changer for audio reproduction. Getting full control over the system and avoiding the analog crossover was for me a...
Kitchen Doors and Paper Horns, Part 1
Why horns? Some might ask, why horns? These big and sometimes odd-looking creations of ancient times, can’t fit through a normal door opening, much less being set up in a...
"CNC" Moving Magnet Cartridge Phono Stage Part 2
In a previous issue, Jim Langley shared his famous DIY CNC phonostage with us, recommending various component modifications and upgrades. We will soon have CNC PCBs available for purchase directly from PS Audio; this is...
“CNC” Moving Magnet Cartridge Phono Stage
My friend Bill and I wanted a simple phono pre-amp for shop use, one that was not expensive but would give high end performance. I like the KISS principle and...
How to Make a Vintage Component Sing Again, Par...
Part II: The coupling capacitors In the last issue, we discussed some basic theory concerning power supply capacitor replacement in vintage audio gear. I explained that the condition of these...
How to Make a Vintage Component Sing Again
Part 1: The power supply capacitors It’s not a secret that one of the more economical ways of building a HiFi system is to purchase used or vintage gear. There’s...
How to Make a $50 High-End XLR Interconnect
From enthusiasts who deny their contribution to those who spend thousands on them, cables are one of the more highly debated topics in audio. While building a system, this widespread...