J.S.: At AES NYC recently, Waves Audio had a panel discussion featuring Chris Lord-Alge, Jack Joseph Puig and Tony Maserati. Their overall message to the audience was that they wanted the next generation of engineers to learn from the body of the work they have made available and come back to blow their socks off. As you devote a significant amount of IMA resources to teaching and training, do you have any alumni who have taken your lessons and done you one better?
J.M.: Time will tell, but yes. That is, they’ve pulled alongside for sure. As for a lifetime’s body of work, well that is something I’m looking forward to both seeing and hearing (and certainly hope I will!). I’m super-interested, now that I’m 70 and still going pretty strong. My view has certainly broadened, and I tend to see the arc rather than the arising and constantly-manifesting, and moreover brilliant pieces – which thrill me for sure! I can put bands/artists And the Kids, Who’da Funk It – independent artist Mal Devisa came out of that band – Naia Kete (also in band SayReal), Sonya Kitchell, Kristen Ford, Saera Kohanski (Wishbone Zoe), Jess LaCoy (aka Lioness per her debut CD), and Kalliope Jones firmly in that category. Incidentally, there have been many compositions written and performed at our Rock and Roll Girl’s Camps that go in that category, too. Amazing output, I have to say sometimes I am Blinded by the Light!
June Millington during the re-recording of two Fanny songs at IMA for the documentary Feminist: Stories from Women’s Liberation. Photo by director Jennifer Hall Lee.
June Millington in the IMA barn with her beloved T5. Photo by Per Grandin.
June’s sister, bassist and singer Jean Millington, suffered a stroke in January 2018. With the help of family and friends, she has been recovering, and the recuperation is ongoing — with the goal of getting back to playing bass. A GoFundMe campaign has been established to assist in medical bills and additional modalities of therapy, which are proving to be useful. Anyone who wishes to make a donation can do so here. You can also write to June Millington at junemillington@gmail.com if you’d like to host a benefit for Jean. June is happy to come to your community (previous benefits include Sacramento, Salt Lake City, Pasadena, Berkeley, San Francisco, and Greenfield, MA, with one upcoming in Florida) — all that needs to happen is that her expenses are covered, everything over that goes to Jean.

Jean and June Millington at IMAWest in Bodega, CA in preparation for the release of their album Melting Pot. Photos by Jean’s daughter Marita Madeloni.
Print copies of June Millington’s autobiography, Land of a Thousand Bridges, can be obtained from IMA’s website.
June is also in the process of producing an audiobook edition. Here is an excerpt sample.
In addition, a podcast series with June talking to musician friends about the how, who, where, and why of music will soon be available. Already recorded: Jeff “Skunk” Baxter, cellists Jami Sieber and Rebecca Hartke, and songwriter-artists Erin McKeown and Tret Fure.
Updates about the audiobook and a forthcoming guitar instruction video series from June Millington can be found on the Land of a Thousand Bridges Facebook page.

June Millington with her Les Paul Jr. “TV model” sitting in with Sonya Kitchell. Photo by Ann Hackler.
Other websites include:
[Header pic is by Jean’s daughter Marita Madeloni, taken during the cover/promo shoot for the release of Play Like a Girl.]