This is a fax I received from Les Paul in 1992. In it he answers a series of questions I’d asked him in researching an article for The Absolute Sound in 1991, including queries about record sales figures, why some recordings didn’t have multi-tracked vocals, his favorite guitar players and more. The last sentence refers to the fact that I was looking for a Scott 22D amplifier (I think it was an amp) for him. I never found one.

If only she’d look at me like that…from Audio, November 1963.

This Empire Grenadier sure looked pretty, and you could serve hors d’oeuvres off the top! From Audio, April 1966.

SEE! HEAR! COMPARE! Now that’s what we call in-store demo. From Audio, but I got lost trying to find the issue this ad appeared in.
This article was first published in Issue 104.