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PS Audio is a privately held company: Family owned by Terri, me, my sons Scott and Lon. And then, there are our shareholders consisting of our team and our community. That might sound odd but it's true. From our first days in business back in 1974, we have considered our customers shareholders in our company. Which is why we're so public about our decisions and contemplated directions. If you read our Community Forums you will see tons of discussion about new products, new ideas, old products and old ideas. Sometimes our shareholders lash out in protest to our direction and that's good. We listen though we don't always agree. But, isn't that the idea? Learn. Leap. Repeat. Without our vibrant community of caring people, who themselves invest in PS Audio—not just their purchasing choices but in their caring and participation—we'd be just another small company. But, we're not. No, in fact, we're one of the richest companies on the planet. Rich because of you, our shareholders, our investors. Thank you for all you do. We couldn't do it without you.
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Paul McGowan

Founder & CEO

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