How To
How To
How To Find and Fix Hum Extended
This is the extended version. There is a shorter 3-step version available here. Very few audio or video systems are dead quiet. There are usually always a few hum related...
How To Connect Your Speakers Properly
These instructions will walk you through the process of connecting up your system correctly. It is specific to the PS Audio ELAC Sprout system, but will also apply to any...
How To Setup A Static IP Address
DHCP is the standard means of routers and devices to connect over a network. DHCP basically means network devices will automatically be assigned an IP address (specific location). Sometimes DHCP...
How To Update Bridge II
Bridge II is built into DirectStream Junior, and available as a network streaming option for DirectStream and PerfectWave DAC customers. Bridge II, with the latest firmware installed, can become a...
How to eject a disc stuck in the PWT
It is rare, but sometimes a disc can get stuck in the drawer of the PerfectWave Transport disc player. We've seen instances where two discs have been placed in the...
How to practice best grounding
In stereo systems of the highest caliber, ensuring proper grounding is critical. Hums, buzzes, ticks and pops can often be avoided by practicing proper, safe, grounding techniques. One of the...