My sons make fun of me when I open a bottle of wine using my fancy, schmancy, electric wine opener.
They prefer the ritual of the manual corkscrew.
We all know the wine tastes the same regardless of what mechanism was used to open it, yet, there persists a reluctance to use technology in service of replacing the old way.
I think there's value in both.
Take for example the ritual of the turntable. We feel a fundamentally different relationship to the music when we run through the steps of playing music on a record player. The pulling of vinyl out of its sleeve, handling it only from the sides, centering it on the spindle, and gently lowering the stylus into the groove.
Our brains form a fundamental connection to the activity through that process.
Just like food tastes better when you're in the mood, there's a great value in performing the dance that bring us closer to the event.
That said, I ain't giving up my electric corkscrew.