River City Audio Society
San Antonio, Texas

Written by Bill Leebens

The March meeting of the River City Audio Society in San Antonio, Texas took place at longtime dealer, Bjorn’s. The system this month included a Threshold Stasis amplifier, Audible Illusions preamp, Sony SACD player, modified Denon turntable, Spatial Hologram open-baffle speakers, and a PS Audio P5 Power Plant AC power regenerator. A last minute set of Magneplanar speakers completed quite a lineup! All components were brought in by our members except for the Power Plant, which was loaned by PS. We have not had the same system twice in over six years, which has been a lot of fun. Our equipment manager Matt is responsible for assembling the systems.

Last month we used another product that “cleaned up”AC power but was not a regenerator. It was quite interesting, did help, and we all debated the amount of difference the device provided.This month we really were anxious to hear how a true “regenerator:” would affect the music. I would say the results were conclusive. The starting power line distortion was measured of course, and the number of 2.8 was reduced to .02. This difference had immediate impact on the bass and sound field (in my opinion). Digital also responded more noticeably than did analog, although both were improved. Again, to me the bass was cleaner, tighter and the most improved aspect of performance. Our modest club meeting area is not the same as a home setup so I think we may not have heard the full capability of the unit. Regardless, eyes were opened as members learned a bit about how important good clean power is for their systems and enjoyment of music.

The RCAS was founded in 2011, and is a diverse group of music and audio enthusiasts  representing a wide range of musical tastes and equipment preferences. Our membership includes audio equipment reviewers, audio engineers, retired military, audiophiles, videophiles, professional musicians, teachers, audio salesmen, and audio enthusiasts. We enjoy discussing music and good equipment in a relaxing environment.  Every member is valued for his or her unique perspective and their musical and equipment preferences.

We have meetings monthly, usually on the afternoon of the third Saturday. Our regular meeting location is at Bjorn’s Audio Video in their conference area. Meeting dates and venues are announced on the club website; in addition to our regular meetings, we also host social events such as a summer BBQ and a Christmas party.

Meetings follow the format of: general club business, news, guest presenters, and technical topics/equipment comparisons. We identify each piece of equipment used during our meeting, and as said earlier, have not repeated a system in over five years! We devote at least half of each meeting to music listening, appreciation, and discussion. Members provide the music.

The success of our group is due to the fact that the RCAS truly is a member-supported club: everyone is encouraged to assist with equipment, music, presentations, room setup, and whatever else is needed. Join us today, and we’ll help each other reach even greater heights in the enjoyment of this rewarding hobby!

—Bob Guerin, Co-Founder, River City Audio Society

[We invite audio societies to send us announcements of upcoming meetings and reports of recent meetings. Pictures help! Just send to us via the email link at the top of this page. —Ed.]

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