The big question

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What's the most important component in your system?

Source component manufacturers will tell you its their source products.

Power conditioning manufacturers will tell you it's a proper AC foundation.

Cable manufacturers will tell you its what connects everything together.

Amp and preamp manufacturers will tell you it's their in-between products.

Speaker manufacturers will tell you it's their speakers.

Dealers will tell you it all matters.

I will tell you it's two things: none of which we make.

Loudspeakers and source materials.

Here's the logic. If you take the best electronic chain, fed by the best AC power and connected with the finest cables and play that through a crappy pair of loudspeakers it will never sound good. If you do the opposite it won't sound its best but it'll sound pretty respectable.

And then there's source materials. Compressed and lousy internet radio streamed through the world's best system sounds dreadful.

I want you to have a great high-end audio experience.

Think about it.

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Paul McGowan

Founder & CEO

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