All or nothing

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All or nothing
A while back I posted a video on holographic imaging and managed to ruffle a few feathers. Since my words seem to routinely tousle feathers it is perhaps unclear why I would bring this trifle to your attention. Meanings get lost in passion's swirl. My intent with the video was to detail a few steps one could take to improve holographic imaging without upgrading the system: repositioning speakers, attention to room details, and the like. What I wanted to emphasize was that anyone can make improvements to audio holography by following a few basic steps. It isn't necessary to buy more equipment or upgrade speakers and cables just to make progress. The Scuffle began when I attempted to adjust the expectations of viewers. "By following these simple steps you can improve your system's image but please don't think that's all it takes to get the level of holography we can achieve here". The hair on many necks peaked at the implication only we can get where others cannot go. Of course, that wasn't my intent. Too often we get trapped in the idea of all or nothing. Either you have the right equipment or you'll never experience what I can. And that is simply not true. Sometimes skill and circumstance outperform equipment choices. And that was the point I was trying to make. It's perhaps not possible to climb Everest without the right equipment but you don't need to crest the world's tallest mountain to enjoy the view.
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Paul McGowan

Founder & CEO

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