Surround sound

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One of the joys of the upcoming holiday season for me is music. The best venue is right around the corner. The University of Colorado is within walking distance of our home and each year the college of music puts on a sold out spectacular in the university's Macky auditorium—one of the better sounding venues I have attended. Just take a look at this gorgeous architecture, including the horn loaded stage. Macky Auditorium Two of the more remarkable highlights of the Christmas show: real, traditional Christmas songs + Santa, and surround sound. Indeed, surround sound. Terri scored for us orchestra seating and midway through the event the balcony pews are filled with choral singers. Voices surround you while the orchestra croons. Amazing. The finale is Handel's Hallelujah Chorus from his masterpiece The Messiah. Closing my eyes for the sound to wash over me in full 360˚ is Christmas present enough. Of course I cannot listen to the hifi for some time after an event like this.
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