At this pace we'll never get to our core subject, fundamentals, but, again, I just couldn't resist.
A day or so ago Microsoft announced their new wearable computer, weeks after Apple announced theirs. He's a picture of the two:

I won't bother telling you which is which. If you care about design aesthetic, as I do, it'll be obvious. One has a functional beauty... the other not so much. And yes, perhaps some will find the Apple watch too big, that's not the point I want to make.
When you spend time appreciating the beauty and functional elegance of a product designed by a master like
Dieter Rams, or
Jony Ive, you really learn to admire what they've accomplished within the constraints of practicality. My son Scott McGowan, the driving force behind
Sprout, is himself a disciple of Dieter Ram (as is Apple's Jony Ive). Sprout is designed to honor the Dieter Rams minimalist approach. We refer to Sprout as a 'personal stereo' because of its intimate connection with the user.
Not everyone loves Sprout, not everyone will love any of these products; and that's ok. If the design artist succeeded, it'll be love at first sight for enough people to call it a success. And more than that one could not hope for.
Not familiar with the design work of Dieter Rams? Take a look at one of my all time favorites he designed for the German company Braun.

Gorgeous isn't it? And this, in the 1960's.
When it comes to design, beauty and imbuing a product with a soul, artists like Dieter Rams, Jony Ive and their disciples really honor the relationship we all have come to love with the objects we interact with on a day to day basis.
The rest are meaningless uninteresting products in my view.