I don’t have a photography studio and it likely shows. Still, I don’t like taking what I consider to be serious photos of audio gear in the field. Instead, I prefer shooting at home, where I can at least have some control over things like lighting and component positioning.
Recently, I was making a YouTube video at retailer New Life Audio in Commack, Long Island, New York, and couldn’t resist the opportunity to get in a few shots of Valve Amplification Company’s (VAC) gorgeous Statement 452iQ mono/stereo Musicbloc power amplifier ($75,000 USD each). Its circuitry is fully balanced, with provision for single-ended inputs that are converted to balanced prior to amplification. The amp can be switched between 450 watts per channel mono and 225 watts dual-mono operation. According to VAC, both modes perform equally well. Note that the amp’s power and tube sections are physically separated to reduce noise. In fact, that’s the reason why the amp stands vertically.
The 452iQ uses VAC’s patented iQ Continuous Automatic Bias System. There’s no need for the user to ever have to adjust tube bias, and the amp will even indicate when the eight Gold Lion KT88 output tubes need to be changed.
For context, I have also included a shot that I took of a pair of 452s at Capital Audiofest.

The VAC 452iQ amplifier's vertical form factor sets it apart from most.

The amplifier's iQ Continuous Automatic Bias System ensures stress-free listening.

Detail of the familiar VAC logo.

A pair of 452iQ amps stand tall at Capital Audiofest.

An artful look at audio electronics at Capital Audiofest.
All images courtesy of Howard Kneller. Howard’s audiophile adventures are documented on his popular YouTube channel and Facebook and LinkedIn groups (each, The Listening Chair with Howard Kneller) and Instagram/Threads pages (@howardkneller). His art and other photography can also be found on Instagram (@howardkneller.photog).