From The Audio Classics Collection, here’s an absolutely jaw-dropping McIntosh MR 65B tube stereo tuner. These beauties were made from 1962 to 1964.
Looks great from any angle, and dig that McIntosh logo on top!
Who are we to argue? Photos by Howard Kneller.
Love at first sound…until your 8-track tapes get eaten. Muntz ad, 1969.
Here’s something you don’t see every day! A Spica transistor radio, made by the Sanritsu Electric Company circa 1965. Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons/Joe Haupt.
Nothing like electronics with easily-accessible adjustments. Radio Electronics, November 1949.
Howard Kneller’s audiophile adventures are documented on YouTube (The Listening Chair with Howard Kneller) and Instagram (@howardkneller). His art and photography can be found on Instagram (@howardkneller). He also posts a bit of everything on Facebook (@howardkneller).