Simple design, good sound: A Dynaco Mark III mono power amplifier, in Dynakit kit version. Introduced in 1957, Dynaco was known to some as the "poor man's Mcintosh."

Rear and side views of the Dynaco Mark III. Photos by Howard Kneller, from The Audio Classics Collection.

Tell me Jack White wouldn't want one of these! Oh, wait...he already has one. 1940s Voice-O-Graph ad. Courtesy of Martin Theophilus/the Museum of Magnetic Sound Recording.

Magnetic attraction: 1959 Telefunken ad, courtesy of Martin Theophilus/the Museum of Magnetic Sound Recording.

Mm-mm-good! Ampex MM-1200 multitrack recorder ad, 1977. Courtesy of Martin Theophilus/the Museum of Magnetic Sound Recording.
Howard Kneller’s audio and art photography can be found on Instagram (@howardkneller, @howardkneller.photog) and Facebook (@howardkneller).