1977 Klipsch Decorator loudspeaker, companion to the one featured in Issue 140. It was a less-expensive version of a finished model. The speakers feature a Richard Modaferri-modified Infinite Slope Crossover.

The backs of the speakers have been cut away to reveal the inner workings, which include a K-77 horn tweeter, K-400 horn midrange, and the Modafferi crossover.

OK, not strictly audio-related, but too cool to resist. Which would you rather have, this or an iPad? 1949 Bell and Howell ad. From vintageadbrowser.com.

We’d like the gear and the curtains! From a 1959 Terminal Radio Corp. catalog, featuring an artfully-rendered McIntosh MR55 tuner, C8 Audio Compensator (preamplifier) and MC60 power amplifier. Courtesy of Steve Rowell/The Audio Classics Collection.
Header image: Klipsch Decorator loudspeaker original crossover. All Klipsch photos courtesy of Howard Kneller, from The Audio Classics Collection. Howard’s audio and art photography can be found on Instagram (@howardkneller, @howardkneller.photog) and Facebook (@howardkneller).