- Have Pass Labs install a modified XP-22 with Lithium ion batteries in a Tesla to boost and refine the power to the engine, while also acting as a head unit for a Milbert car audio tube amp.
- Tell Rick Fryer that DC amounts to nothing at all.
- Silently praise the Magician of Köln, who worked magic on January 24, 1975, my 15th birthday. “Call me, Keith. Let’s hang out! Loved you in Chicago, in 1985! I was the one without a pager.”
- Have Pass Labs install a modified INT-25 to turbocharge the Roadster and warm the brioche.
- Ask Phillip Glass what it’s like to be him. (“It’s just really great.”)
- Have Frank Doris accidentally thank himself graciously in e-mail for an article he forgot he wrote, and see the universe implode.
- Reinstall Roon again; reboot all the computers again, re-run setup, wait an hour for the NAS to scan; finally put Köln on headphones at 11:59PM. At midnight a glitch causes the monthly “re-up” to fail. All sound then stops, but I get a nasty text about paying the bill. Cry for a while. Drink beer.
- Have Pass install a modified INT-60 under the Golden Gate Bridge to warm the pigeons’ toes on the asphalt and also install one in my other Tesla.
- Stop talking about Nelson Pass so much.
- Make a film about Roon and Köln: Midnight and Inaudible Keith Jarrett.
![Pass Labs INT-60 integrated amplifier.](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0672/2283/1394/files/pass-labs-int-60.jpg)