Incoming letters
What's New?
In Copper #`13 we announced a contest, offering a PS Audio LANRover for the best answer to the question, “What is there in audio that’s really new?” Several technologies mentioned in responses may have...
What’s New?
Our correspondence this issue was dominated by the contest from the Audio Cynic. The question was, “What is there in audio that’s truly new?” Snippets from the answers are shown below; our...
More About Tinnitus
Pleased to read the article regarding tinnitus. Tinnitus is a problem that confronts many people with or without hearing loss. There is no one cause for tinnitus; it can be...
Up the Ladder
I am responding to the recent article on DACs and the quick brush-off of ladder DACs. (Richard Murison’s “My Kingdom for a DAC”, Richard didn’t brush off ladder DACs so...