Every New Beginning

Every New Beginning

Written by Leebs

Welcome to Copper #67!

It may be my Irish heritage and genetic memories of last call, but the melancholy song "Closing Time" has always resonated with me. For those who have somehow avoided this late-'90s classic, a key line is "every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end."

Okay: it's not exactly Schopenhauer, and may be a tad sophist, but there is a fair amount of wisdom contained within that line. And so, as we move the PS Audio factory from our home of many years to a big new building (all the way across the street), there is wistfulness mixed with the excitement. Some clean-up remains, but the basic move is over, the toasts have been made---and so we begin, again.

Getting into #67, Larry Schenbeck tells us about a new opera, whose subject is---Steve Jobs?? Dan Schwartz is under the weather, so we'll revisit his piece on the Grateful Dead's Wall of Sound; Richard Murison writes about teamwork, and not in an eye-rolling way; Jay Jay French's piece is entitled "The Needle and the Damage Done"---and I'll let you determine what it's about Roy Hall has still more (!!) love storiesAnne E. Johnson examines some lesser-known cuts from Peter GabrielChristian James Hand deconstructs the '70s chestnut that is "Free Bird"---and I think you'll be astonished at the level of musicianship that was involved. ask, have you heard that stuff?— and continue looking at the technology of playing records.

Industry News looks at the never-ending drama of Gibson Brands; and our friend Tom Methans brings us a feature on some unusual wines.

Copper #67 concludes with Charles Rodrigues looking at an issue with phaseand a Parting Shot from a recent day-trip to Colorado's Lookout Mountain.

Woody Woodward is still on sabbatical, and will return in a few issues.

Thanks for reading. See you soon!

Cheers, Leebs.

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