Opening Salvo

Opening Salvo

Written by Paul McGowan

Welcome to Copper #11!

Wherever you are, we hope it’s not as hot and dry as it is here in literally-on-fire Colorado.

Here in mid-July, most folks are approaching some sort of break or vacation. We’ll keep plugging away, but the world of audio shows is about to go on hiatus, following the highly-energetic Capital Audiofest (and we’re happy to offer an amazing photo spread from CapFest by Eric Franklin Shook).

The Rocky Mountain Audio Fest is the next major show in North America, coinciding with the turning of the leaves here in early October. TAVES, in Toronto, quickly follows in November, and rumors are rampant about a show in NYC. We’ll see.

Next thing you know, CES, the show that wouldn’t die (but maybe should), will come along in January. And we start all over again.

Meanwhile: stay cool, hide in the basement, read Copper, and listen to music!


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